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Version: 2.2

How to get transactions

Step 1: Setup Moralis​

Read the article Setting Up Moralis: Getting Started and make sure to finish all the steps. Only after that you can go ahead to complete this guide.

Step 2: Get transactions​

In order to get transactions, Moralis provides you a getTransactions endpoint to do so.

Here you'll need one parameter: limit.

Once you have obtained the limit, you can copy the following code:

const Moralis = require("moralis").default;

const runApp = async () => {
await Moralis.start({
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
// ...and any other configuration

const limit = 2;

const response = await Moralis.AptosApi.transactions.getTransactions({



Step 3: Run the script​

To run the script, enter the following command:

node index.js

In your terminal, you should see the following JSON response:

"version": "108804932",
"hash": "0xa481099e54933f60efbf2a634147940e7f9a0bf85ab234570c05b2cb342fe038",
"state_change_hash": "0xb47559a44e11e649a1e329529c3aeb645c38a896afcbf566796c220557ebdc76",
"event_root_hash": "0x35f5e92896dcd866730c8237d90041c0a5cd05fc35029d6e12a98c832eb064a4",
"state_checkpoint_hash": null,
"gas_used": "0",
"success": true,
"vm_status": "Executed successfully",
"accumulator_root_hash": "0x117e2af5111cda9f019755aaaeac2eea075e838dd14488b40e292c71b84befb3",
"changes": [
"address": "0x1",
"state_key_hash": "0x5ddf404c60e96e9485beafcabb95609fed8e38e941a725cae4dcec8296fb32d7",
"data": {
"type": "0x1::block::BlockResource",
"data": {
"epoch_interval": "7200000000",
"height": "42164648",
"new_block_events": {
"counter": "42164649",
"guid": {
"id": {
"addr": "0x1",
"creation_num": "3"
"update_epoch_interval_events": {
"counter": "0",
"guid": {
"id": {
"addr": "0x1",
"creation_num": "4"
"type": "write_resource"
"address": "0x1",
"state_key_hash": "0x8048c954221814b04533a9f0a9946c3a8d472ac62df5accb9f47c097e256e8b6",
"data": {
"type": "0x1::stake::ValidatorPerformance",
"data": {
"validators": [
"failed_proposals": "0",
"successful_proposals": "26"
"type": "write_resource"
"address": "0x1",
"state_key_hash": "0x7b1615bf012d3c94223f3f76287ee2f7bdf31d364071128b256aeff0841b626d",
"data": {
"type": "0x1::timestamp::CurrentTimeMicroseconds",
"data": {
"microseconds": "1679919856642661"
"type": "write_resource"
"id": "0x98a8420b13861cf4fe0fa830bcd7073c26eeb53fbdfca29450f6460959c029fc",
"epoch": "1992",
"round": "10444",
"events": [
"guid": {
"creation_number": "3",
"account_address": "0x1"
"sequence_number": "42164648",
"type": "0x1::block::NewBlockEvent",
"data": {
"epoch": "1992",
"failed_proposer_indices": [],
"hash": "0x98a8420b13861cf4fe0fa830bcd7073c26eeb53fbdfca29450f6460959c029fc",
"height": "42164648",
"previous_block_votes_bitvec": "0xfdff0f05849633eb405b4a5362",
"proposer": "0x9da88926fd4d773fd499fc41830a82fe9c9ff3508435e7a16b2d8f529e77cdda",
"round": "10444",
"time_microseconds": "1679919856642661"
"previous_block_votes_bitvec": [
253, 255, 15, 5, 132, 150, 51, 235, 64, 91, 74, 83, 98
"proposer": "0x9da88926fd4d773fd499fc41830a82fe9c9ff3508435e7a16b2d8f529e77cdda",
"failed_proposer_indices": [],
"timestamp": "1679919856642661",
"type": "block_metadata_transaction"
"version": "108804933",
"hash": "0x2916dae9cde321ff5ce25552f7f72716287c3875a8ad9410114e1d9928a47b46",
"state_change_hash": "0xafb6e14fe47d850fd0a7395bcfb997ffacf4715e0f895cc162c218e4a7564bc6",
"event_root_hash": "0x414343554d554c41544f525f504c414345484f4c4445525f4841534800000000",
"state_checkpoint_hash": "0xa9884d61be2ed7209e34bc14b85b388c1cd5f34071bebb9dd60f7c09870f8edc",
"gas_used": "0",
"success": true,
"vm_status": "Executed successfully",
"accumulator_root_hash": "0x37e6264a585492bf26623b08a11b928be80c2975e2845e153f003861e9a144cd",
"changes": [],
"timestamp": "1679919856642661",
"type": "state_checkpoint_transaction"

Congratulations πŸ₯³ You just got transactions with just a few lines of code using the Moralis Transaction API!

Youtube Video​

API Reference​

If you want to know more details on the endpoint and optional parameters, check out:


If you face any trouble following the tutorial, feel free to reach out to our community engineers in our Discord or Forum to get 24/7 developer support.